Sheboygan Lesbian Singles in Wisconsin



Age: 22

Loc: Sheboygan, Wisconsin

Key Info

Sexual status
1 public
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A lesson with out pain is meaningless, for you cannot gain some thing without sacrificing something else in return.

What do I want?

Outgoing personality - Takes risks - Feeds on attention - No self control - Kind hearted - Self confident - Loud and boisterous - VERY vengeful - Easy to get along with and talk to - Has an “everything’s peachy” attitude - likes talking and singing - Daydreamer - Easily distracted - Hates being distrusted - BIG imagination - Loves to be loved - Hates studying - In need of that “someone” - Longs for freedom - Rebellious when withheld or restricted - Lives by “no pain no gain” - Caring - Always a suspect - Playful - Mysterious - Charming or beautiful to a special person - Stubborn - Curious - Independent - Strong willed - A true fighter

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