Man Singles in Seabrook in Texas



Age: 54

Loc: Seabrook, Texas

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1 public
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Someone to have fun with not judgemental and doesn't cares how much or what I have in pocket but what's in my heart and head!

What do I want?

I'n 50 yers old devorced with a teenage daughter who is my life, but understand she has one starting. Very straight forward person but respectful in the process or I do try to be and exspect the same. Been in nsales most of my carreer. Also do not like being alone even after 7 years of being devorced. Most sports, travel when possible, hanging with ,my best friend and family! My Best feature is, as I have been told my eyes! Green! If I won millions I would, set myself up for retirement and take care of family and firends that have been thier for me! If I could have lunch with anyone, it would be Nolan Ryan!

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