Man Onling Dating in Crystal Lake in Illinois



Age: 23

Loc: Crystal Lake, Illinois

Key Info

Sexual status
1 public
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Why, hello there.

What do I want?

I'm 5'11", weigh 192lbs, have a little extra baggage. I have long, strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes, which I am quite proud of. I have an unusually definite farmer's tan, but I'm unusually pale. No acne. As for the personality, I'm told that I'm quite intelligent. When given a task that requires mental work, I excel at it. I'm always up to try new things, I LOOOOOOVE a challenge. You got something that seems nearly impossible or just plain hard-to-do, bring it on. I prefer listening over talking, but I will admit to talking too much when I start talking. Alas, that is all I can tell you without you talking to me.

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