San Diego Man Free Personals in California



Age: 39

Loc: San Diego, California

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5 public
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Lookin for a good woman, a true friend, someone I can possibly come to adore and her adore me, is that possible here?

What do I want?

I like to be social and hang out with good friends, I have a great sense of humor and love to laugh and joke with my friends. Im a moderately laid back kind of guy, I know when to be serious and when not to be. I can give and take good advice, and I can be a true friend to people deserving of that. I may have a tough exterior and a mean look sometimes, but its not hard to break through it if ur a good person and not tryin to do me wrong or hurt me, so think of it as a challenge, if you have the right credentials, I'll let you in!! LOL

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